Trusted art appraisers and consultants for more than 30 years

Artemis, under the leadership of Sandra Tropper, is one of the foremost art consulting and appraisal firms in the Washington, D.C. area. Artemis offers a range of appraisal services from insurance coverage and calculation of estate taxes to evaluation of personal and corporate collections and disposition of property.

As an independent appraiser, Sandra Tropper offers an objective perspective and provides clients with impartial opinions and recommendations. She is well recognized for her expertise in fine arts and trusted by some of the nation’s largest institutions for her knowledge and credibility.

She is also a sought-after lecturer, teaching classes and seminars at universities and other organizations throughout the country.




Collage © William Christenberry Studio, courtesy of Sandra Christenberry • Ceramic Sculpture © Hilda Thorpe • ©Kay Jackson, with her approval

Maquette for Proposed Wall Construction for Washington Convention Center – July 30, 2002 © William Christenberry Studio, courtesy of Sandra Christenberry